
What is experience tourism?


Today and here, you will learn about what experience tourism is? We can say that experience tourism is called a concept that seeks to counteract the so-called “Mass Tourism”, which involves valuing experiences that are the most authentic and that deviate from the traditional. 

The traditional thing we are referring to is contemplation and rest, for learning something new, for experiencing something unusual, for the pleasures of the table or for the knowledge of a new place. Today's tourists want much more than just a few days to rest, they also want their wishes or expectations to be met.

Travel is for the search for different sensations, for products or services that are different, but that can provide a memorable experience, for accommodation in a hotel that can be made of ice, tasting food that takes you to a sensorial experience, etc. . This is what is called sensory tourism.

Experience tourism is a travel format that goes far beyond a visit to a city's postcards, or traditional city tours, as it encourages new experiences, to delve deeper into a region and get to know a little more. of the reality that is that of the residents, of a culture and customs that are local.

The rise of experience tourism

Experience tourism is on the rise and in opposition to mass tourism, based on ready-made or closed itineraries, with a focus on an experience that is individual to each tourist. The purpose of this modality is to enable the traveler to interact in a unique way with the destination and create an emotional relationship.

Experience tourism began in 2010, in Brazil. However, experience tourism has been gaining a lot of attention from travelers, as it involves trips that are individual and exclusive, inside or outside our country and with a guarantee that is unique stories, for an escape that is that of a common place, famous tourist attractions and itineraries.

In addition to having an escape that is one of those itineraries that are ready for a trip, starting to focus on a choice that is where to go, what to eat, what to see, what to talk to a tourist. All of this makes you better acquainted with the daily life of the natives, of a culture or cuisine that is the root.

Visits to the grape and wine region in Rio Grande do Sul are an example of experiential tourism in Brazil, as this region was not a tourist stop. Currently, the beautiful place attracts many tourists who want to get to know this place and the Gaucho culture better, which is among the highlights of being one of the best national wine productions.

Experience tourism and the creation of new experiences 

It is in experience tourism that a traveler has an individualized relationship with the destination and through the creation of their experiences. On the other hand, it is increasingly common for tourism companies to invest in marketing to attract tourists and without actually offering this service, tourists must be very careful about this.

What will differentiate is whether this experience will in fact be differentiated or what is in its execution, which is that of this service, can be motivated by its objective and mainly that a tourist can leave satisfied. Experiential tourism is based on a tourist's desires and whether they have an emotional connection with a particular destination.

By creating an emotional relationship with a destination, the way in which this service is handled, but which is motivated by the objective of a tourist leaving satisfied, experience tourism will basically be with a tourist who can have a connection that is emotional with a destination, so that this tourist can deal with a destination and with the natives.

When a relationship is created that is an emotional connection, the way in which a tourist can deal with the destination and with the natives of a place will also change, which can generate a high impact, which is sustainability and an appreciation that is the places visited. Experience tourism is aimed at all travelers and can be of all ages.

Some experience tourism itineraries

There are many places in Brazil that are worth visiting, and the traveler can have experiences that are gastronomic, to experience a culture that is local or other activities, as happens in Vale dos Vinhedos, in Serra Gaúcha, in Bento Gonçalves, with the traveler finding many itineraries that encourage immersion in Italian culture.

Discover the secrets and spices of the Amazon, through an itinerary that focuses on gastronomic and cultural experience tourism, with tourists getting to know a little about the daily lives of the residents. Bonito, in Mato Grosso do Sul, is another place for this type of tourism, but with many walks through nature and to sample its cuisine.

The Discovery Coast is in Bahia. It is of historical and cultural importance, including destinations such as Bahia, Porto Seguro, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Belmonte and many others. It is possible in these destinations to enjoy beautiful landscapes, go to beaches, taste regional cuisine and learn more about the history of Brazil. Take your next trip to experience tourism.

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